The Avengers!

After much hype and anticipation, I finally watched the highly anticipated movie – THE AVENGERS!!

Much praise was given before and after the movie was released about a week ago and ever since my sis and I found out that there was going to be a movie with most of the Marvel superheroes, we could hardly wait!

Before I watched it, I felt like the movie could have gone either way, it could have been a case of “too many cooks, spoils the soup” or it could have been fantastic. My answer after watching the movie = FANTASTIC!

First of all, an overview of the movie. There’s this cube thing called the Tesseract that has some sort of gamma rays and it could be very harmful to the earth if it is not protected. However, Loki (brother of Thor) wants the Tesseract as it could help him rule the world. Hence, he steals the cube from Agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and now it is up to Agent Fury to bring together all the heroes to take back the stolen cube.

What follows are the attempts to get Bruce Banner aka Hulk, Capt. Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, Barton aka Hawkeye and Thor to come together as a team to rescue the world. Of course, the egos of these superheroes tend to get in the way of them working together, not forgetting their trust issues with each other. Nevertheless, they all come to realise towards the end that in order to win, they have to stick together.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole movie. The witty one-liners, the action, the good-looking cast, good storyline! It was good as each of the character had a significant part to play in the movie and it did not come across like they were all just playing second fiddle to a main character. However, to me, I felt like Iron Man was the hero of the day! I absolutely loved his humour! And I also liked the Hulk!! =)

If you’re not a fan of superhero movies, I actually think watching this movie might change your mind about it. Also, if you’re planning to watch, don’t forget to wait until mid-way through the credits for an additional scene! A possible sequel, perhaps? =) Oh and there's a small cameo by Stan Lee as well!

Watch it!

Signing off for now,



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