I need a Change!

I've been in college for almost a week and so far, things are flowing smoothly. Of course, with only two more semesters to go, everything is getting tougher and the workload is defnitely more than any other semesters. In addition, we've got to start our final year thesis and just finding the right topic to do was hard enough. I finally submitted my abstract and the title of my topic today, so maybe in a week or two, i'll get to know who my supervisor for the project will be. I'm crossing fingers i'll get someone i can work well with! =)

Anyway, for the past few weeks I've been having this feeling that my life has become dull. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it but I feel like I need to do something to spice up my life and make it more exciting! Its like my life is so routined, that I can anticipate how my day is going to be like.

I read all my friends blogs, see their Facebook pages and photos and sometimes, I envy them. Their lives look so exciting but then again,the reality versus what is on the screen may not be so true, right? But, even so, I still feel like i need to have a change! I need to do something exciting!

And since my sister cut her hair, many people have been asking me to do the same as I've been having the same hairstyle for the longest time. However, when it comes to my hair, i never liked cutting it for fear that the style would not suit me and also because I love having long hair! haha.. But now, I'm actually thinking about doing something with my hair before my birthday in August!

For now, I've decided that the change will start with me cleaning out my closet and getting rid of all my unwanted clothes. I'm also hoping that with me clearing and sorting out my clothes, I'll get to buy new clothes! Of course, I've got to save up some money first to go on a shopping spree! haha.. =)

And I've also decided to get contact lenses by the time I turn 21 so that I'll have a new look! I'm kinda excited about that but at the same time, the thought of putting my finger into my eyes, is kinda scary. I guess I'll just have to get used to it!

Oh well, give me a few weeks and let's see if phase one of me starting on my change works out. =)

Till the next post! Pa-alam!


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