Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

Before returning back to college, i enjoyed the last days of my MC by watching Harry Potter!! We were afraid that we would miss the movie as it's been a long time since it debut in the theatres, but we were lucky enough that Prangin was still showing. So, last Saturday, our date with the Harry Potter trio was set! =)

As a huge HP fan, I was really excited about watching the movie ever since it came out and even before that. Prior to watching any of the movies, I always read the books again as I want to know what is left out and if they changed anything. But, no matter how the movie turns out, I've always been a fan of all the books and even the movies as I am one of those kids who grew up with the books.

So, last saturday, my sis, cousin and I rushed to Prangin to catch the 2.45pm movie but due to the heavy traffic, we reached 5 minutes before the movie begun and unfortunately, we missed a tiny bit of the movie but it didn't really matter.

Call me bias, but I really enjoyed the movie!! I actually felt sad at the start of the movie when they showed Hermione erasing the memory of her from her parent's memories. You could actually feel the sadness and you feel sorry that she has to leave her entire life behind.

This movie was truly a journey for the trio and for me, it was a good start or preview as to what will come in the final part of the franchise. Even though some of those who watched the movie told me that they actually fell asleep, but I think it's only coz they are not fans of the movie. So, it's probably true what people say, if you're a fan of the books or movies, you'll like this.

The scenery was also breathtaking! The forests, the sea, it was all really beautiful and made the setting of the movie nicer! Also, I thought Hermione aka Emma Watson looked really pretty in this movie. There were also a few funny and sweet moments in the movie like the scene where Harry and Hermione are dancing. =)

Overall, I would say it was an entertaining movie and I wouldn't mind watching it again. It does make me feel sad though to think that next year would be the last Harry Potter film but I am really looking forward to it. I'm pretty sure it would be explosive!! =)

Signing off for now, pa-alam!!


SFGEMS said…
Would you be jealous if I told you that a friend of mine calls me Hermione? LOL

I call him Dumbledore. But he said that I should call him Albus. After all, we are good friends, he added.

Shakun said…
But the last time you sent us gifts, Uncle Stephen and you signed off as Hermione and Dumbledore!
Vayshna said…

haha... have you been watching the movies? And yes, the last time you sent us gifts, you and u.stephen signed it as Albus and Hermione! haha..

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